Trekking in Pamir and Tian Shan Mountains
Trekking adventures, hiking expeditions and outdoor activities
in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
The Pamir and Tien Shan Mountains, so different and so uniquely beautiful, have long since become known to climbers from all over the world. Majestic and picturesque landscapes, highly diverse wildlife, easy accessibility, flexible visa policy in the countries they are situated and dizzy heights rising above 7,000 m provide great possibilities for the development of a wide range of outdoor activities, including mountain walking, trekking, hiking, climbing and mountaineering.
Here tourists will find widest choice of mountain trekking and climbing routes suitable for both novices and experienced sportsmen. The region is constantly used to organize guided hiking trips of different length and complexity, walking tours at various altitudes and in various types of terrain and treks assisted by support teams and pack animals or those featuring stationary tent camps.
The most beautiful and popular areas in the Pamir and Tien Shan Mountains:
- Lenin Peak Base Camp. The camp is the basic point for both climbers attempting Lenin Peak (7,134 m) and trekkers wishing to explore the neighbouring territory.
- Trekking holidays in Aksu - Karavshin (‘Asian Patagonia’): spectacular views of wild nature, high ragged rock peaks, boisterous rivers and juniper forests.
- The Fann Mountains: the area with about 40 cleanest lakes surrounded by 5,000-metre rocky mountains.
- Lake Sary-Chelek: a most pristine area, breathtaking mountain landscapes, coniferous forests, deep ravines and a picturesque path to the big and beautiful lake.
Mountain trip is the best way to relieve stress, escape from urban bustle and stay alone amidst majestic mountain beauty. Travel, discover new beautiful mountains and feel new emotions.
Family Vacations
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
3 Guaranteed departures 2025
4 Guaranteed departures 2026
8/9 days: 730 USD
Trekking to Lenin Peak,
climbing Yukhin Peak
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
8 Guaranteed departures 2025
8 days: 670 USD
to lake Sary-Chelek
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
2 Guaranteed departures 2025
8/10 days: from 1080 USD
Trekking to the foot of Aksu peak
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
2 Guaranteed departures 2025
9/11 days: from 1510 USD
In Tian-Shan and Pamir mountains
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
2 Guaranteed departures 2025
15/17 days: from 1730 USD
Heartland of Fann mountains
Travel to Tajikistan
2 guaranteed departures 2025
9 days: 1430 USD
Pamir Alay Mountains Trekking
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
3 guaranteed departures 2025
8/9/12/13 days: from 880 USD
Fann Mountains and cities of Uzbekistan
***Trekking + Heritage tour
Uzbekistan, Tajikistan
2 Guaranteed departures 2025
12/14 days from: 1880 USD
To the toe of
the Khan-Tengri peak
***Trekking tour
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
Pamir Resort +
Classic Uzbekistan
***Trekking + Heritage tour
Travel to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Nature & Culture Treasures of Central Asia
***Trekking + Heritage tour
Travel to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
2 Guaranteed departures 2025
15/17 days: from 1970 USD
Trekking to Aksu Peak + Classic Uzbekistan
***Trekking + Heritage tour
Travel to Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan
Trekking tour
Travel to Kyrgyzstan
7/ 9 days: from 480 USD
Book a guided tour
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